How To Get Started On Your Non Toxic / Low Tox Journey

If you’re feeling like you’re ready to start your low-tox journey but are overwhelmed with information overload, this post is for you!

These are some simple steps to take when you’re looking to dive into the world of low-tox living but don’t know where to start.

Take it slow

Don’t over-do it by thinking you need to eliminate every product at once. You can replace things as you use up your old ones.

For example - if you just used up your old mascara, now is the time to try a non-toxic version like Honest.

This is not a race, it’s not all or nothing. The gray area is important because that’s where you’ll find your grace and the smoothest transition possible.

Avoid getting greenwashed

This is the easiest thing to fall for in the beginning. Just because a company markets themselves as having “plant-based” or “essential oils” in their ingredients, does not mean there is full transparency behind it.

What else is mixed in with those “clean” ingredients? What are the “clean” ingredients actually made of?

This is where ingredient knowledge really comes into play. Don’t be afraid to use your resources, like EWG or my eliminating toxin guides.

Take notes

This can be as simple as a piece of paper where you write out what your priority products are to be replaced or brands you’ve tried and loved or tried and hated.

It helps to have a resource for yourself to fall back on when you start feeling a little overwhelmed and spacey.

Or you can download my free checklist to jot down your swaps as you go, here.

Start small

Maybe you just want to focus on eliminating fragrance first.

Go through your home and make note of products that contain fragrance that you would like to replace once they’re finished.

Pick a chemical, pick a room, pick something to make it less overwhelming and help you simplify the process.

Don’t go at it alone

I created 2 guides to eliminating toxins from your life that simplify the entire process!

  • For the Target Run mama, I offer a Target Girl’s Guide To Eliminating Toxins - a step by step approach that shows you the safest products available in stores and online. I go category by category, product by product and show you over 120 different safe swaps you’re sure to love

  • For the online shopper, we’ve got the Eliminating Toxins in 2023 E-Book. This is a full guide that takes you room by room informing you on the ingredients to avoid, safest products on the market, what I use and LOVE, plus some fun DIY’s if you’re into that kinda thing!

Whatever your approach is to reducing your toxin load, keep it simple, keep it affordable and keep it manageable! Ask questions and don’t be afraid to reach out.