
Hi there!

I'm Taiya - a mindful millennial girl with big dreams.

I’m a kinda crunchy mama to my beautiful baby girl.

Becoming a mom changed the way I view things. I’m now all about mastering the art of eliminating toxins from our lives - physically and mentally!

Having a child gives you access to parts of your brain and heart that you didn’t know existed - from anxiety to the deep love you have for this new being.

Mommin’ ain’t easy! So I’m striving to create a place for other kinda crunchy mamas to come together and find resources that make life a little easier.

On my site you’ll mostly find ways to eliminate toxic chemicals from your home and daily routine. But sprinkled throughout you’ll find posts about ways I’ve made mommin’ a little easier with certain products, mindset shifts, and various tips and tricks.

I hope you find comfort in the posts that I share and can incorporate certain things into your daily life as a mama!

Grow as you go, always!