DIY Natural Ingredient Facial Cleanser

I’ve been an avid Mad Hippie skin care user for a while now but with the price of everything going through the roof lately, I’m trying to cut costs where I can.

A $15 face wash may not seem like much, but I’m slowly starting to experiment in minimalizing my skincare routine even more and making what I can at home.

The recipe I’m sharing today is something I’ve been experimenting with for a couple weeks now. So far I really like it! It’s not as creamy or foamy as a typical face wash, but it gets the job done and my skin isn’t mad about it either!

I already had all of these ingredients on hand, so I’m sure a lot of you are in the same boat! Money saving all over town - woo hoo!

DIY Facial Cleanser Recipe

To a small jar you’ll want to add

Gently blend the mix together and pour into a recycled glass bottle. I used an old Mad Hippie cleanser bottle and just poured the mix in there. It was perfect amount for this.

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I use rosehip seed oil because it helps lock moisture into the skin and aids in quicker cell turnover. But there are other oils you can use as well!

  • Aloe vera gel is great if you have normal skin.

  • Witch hazel is an option for acne-prone skin.

  • Jojoba oil is great for all skin types but best to use if you have sensitive skin.

  • Sweet almond oil is good for dry skin.

I don’t use coconut oil on my skin much because it has been known to clog pores since it is thicker.

For oils I like to use frankincense and lavender. Both of these are gentle on the skin and have worked well for me in the past.

If you head to Plant Therapy, you can find endless options that are good for skincare. They’ll tell you exactly which oils work best for your skin and have premade blends that are tailored towards individual needs.