Creating A Relaxing Space While In Lockdown

If you’d have asked the majority of the population two years ago if they’d like to stay at home they would have probably jumped at the chance. However, since the pandemic hit in early 2020, billions of people around the world have endured months on end at home, all while trying to stay safe from the virus as well as continue a life that’s as normal as possible.

Whether being at home affected you or not, it’s important to create and maintain a space in which to continue your life, even after the virus isn’t a threat.

Even though there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now the vaccines are rolling out, there’s still a long way to go with the pandemic, so take a look at these tips to create a relaxing space while you’re in lockdown.


Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels


Being at home more than ever before is bound to create clutter around the home, even for the tidiest of people - and there’s nothing wrong with that! However, clutter can affect your mood as well as become distracting for those working at home. Take the time to declutter your home! If you struggle to throw things away, use the six month rule; have I used it in the last six months, and am I likely to use it in the next six months. If the answer is no, consider throwing it out or donating it to charity. A clutter free home will help you stay relaxed no matter what’s going on with the world outside.

Temperature control

The weather at this time of year can be unpredictable, ranging from cold and raining to beautiful sunshine within the space of a few hours. Keeping your home at the right temperature will help keep your spirits lifted, as well as creating the perfect temperature for working at home. You may consider using a 24 Hour AC Service to repair your A/C unit, or you might want to consider opening the windows to let in plenty of fresh air every now and then. Keeping the temperature optimised will save you from becoming flustered during lockdown and relax when you need it the most!

Get plenty of light

One of the biggest problems with lockdown is that the time you have outside is much more limited than before, and those that don’t have gardens have found it particularly difficult being at home all of the time. Making sure your home gets plenty of light by opening the curtains and blinds every day will help maintain a positive mood and therefore keep you relaxed during lockdown.

Do those odd jobs

Finally, everyone has those odd jobs around the home that never get done because there’s simply no time. However, being at home more means you do have more time to get these jobs done. Not only will your home improve and look amazing, but those odd jobs won’t be niggling in the back of your mind, allowing you to enjoy relaxing in your lovely home!

Maintaining A Positive Mindset During Self Isolation

COVID-19 has been challenging for all of us. Even if you aren’t directly affected by it, you’re most likely still caught up in its chaos.

This time has been challenging, to say the least. But, I know I’m not alone! Americans are dealing with the same issues I am and many others every single day.

Here’s how I’m maintaining a well-rounded, mostly positive mindset during this crazy time.

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